
Engineering Computer Help

Our company has a keen understanding of the needs of engineering firms.
Our founders father was involved in design work on many of the infrastructure
we drive through as a part of our daily lives.

The complexities of loading and configuring autocad through the overall
integration of accounting and email systems with time billing are very clear to us.

Engineering Firm Computer Systems

Its all about autocad and understaing the specific detailed
needs that are so important to maintaining a strong working relationship.

We have worked with autocad from its dos version to the present 2013 3d version.
We understand the importance of maintaining layer integrity and continuity on server upgrades.

You business model counts on constant computer system uptime as time billing
is how you generate revenue. We have learned that the most important thing is to do any system work on off hours.

We have integrated the following time billing packages that have written engineering modules.
Soloman Accounting in a 150 person environment over 4 branches.
Deltek accounting and Deltek Vision in a 150 and 25 person installation.

We also have experience in supporting and maintaining a municipal engineering department.

We are aware that engineering firms posess many tech savy staff in their employ.
We have clearly proven that in order to maximise profitability we help keep people
working and designing, and we do what we specialize in.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with you and show you how we are
the best technology company to service your office needs.